Pregnancy update 16 weeks


-Cravings: Mac and cheese, bacon, and fruit gummy candies (definitely not at the same time)

-Sleep: So far sleeping pretty good but I do have to get up and pee in the night, sometimes a few times.

-Clothing: I can't button any of my pants anymore so I had to pull out a rubber band. I'm mostly having a hard time finding things to wear because my belly isn't quite big enough that it's obvious I'm pregnant. So I usually just look like I ate too much (which is usually the case).

-Sickness: If I wake up and don't eat breakfast right away I'll spend a few hours feeling sick because of it. Other than that not too much feeling sick (knock on wood!)

-Boy or Girl: We find out in 2 1/2 weeks! I'm currently thinking it's a girl but I have no idea. I'm definitely excited to find out because I think it will help me to start really connecting with this bump on my belly :) what do you think it is??   I will be doing those old wives tales to predict the gender, if you know of any please let me know and I'll give them a try :) 

      Thank you so much for all of the support and love it means the world to me!


Predicting the Gender


The Strength To Over Come An Eating Disorder