Living with Depression
Hey everyone! I hope your day is going great, mine is going quite wonderfully. I'm currently enrolled in a photography class where I'm learning so much and falling in love with the art of capturing a moment. Our latest assignment was to show our greatest fear, instantly I knew what mine was. My greatest fear is that my depression will get so out of control that I'll be left alone with only the negative thoughts in my head to keep me company. I spent a few days trying to figure out how I could show this in only one image. The image below is what I created, there was no photoshop used in the creation, it is one single shot.
I want to add that there is so much in life that we need to experience and learn. I hope for anyone out there that is struggling, know that there is so much to gain from living.
I sometimes think back to when I was standing in the bathroom deciding if I should end my life, and want to shake myself with the excitement of my future. I know I can make my future whatever I want and I intend on making it a wonderful life, a life so full of joy that if I would have known what was coming I would have never had the thought of throwing it away.
Life is worth living. Make your life one you want to live.
I wish you all the best,
Kylie Bischoff